Between my hip bursitis pain and my husband’s stroke, we’ve had 8 therapy appointments a week since December, 4 each. Next week my husband starts vision therapy to correct his missing left visual field. If it helps, he might be able to drive again in 3-4 months.
With driving back and forth to therapy appointments, I’ve turned to listening to audio books. My husband’s choice would be more along Clive Cussler who writes adventure novels. I heard some, but once he explained waterboarding, and I heard too much. I was way too emotionally involved = TENSE as all get out, listening to what happens. His detective series is milder and I like those.
So I ordered what I wanted to listen to, since I’m the driver. My husband actually liked the lady reading an Eloisa James novel. He said her choice of words was great. (Note – My husband does watch Hallmark movies with me, and I watch war movies and some adventure stories with him. We both like musicals, westerns and old time movies like Cary Grant or Gary Cooper. I, however, don’t always reciprocate. I draw the line on thrillers and most sci-fi.
What do you do when things are stressed and you need to relax? I turn to reading romance novels or watching romance type movies. A cup of chamomile tea and a good book even on a cold winter day is bliss. Sweeps me away to a another time and place.

What about you?
What’s your remedy for stress relief from things you can’t control?
Reply and let me know your secret remedy.
Happy Leap Year day.