I decided to do some pitching. I pitched 90% of all the literature I had picked up from our travels. I really don’t need them. Since we don’t travel much except to see family, I decided they were taking up good space. And even if we do go back to those cities, I doubt we would visit the same places.
Think about all the things you are keeping and ask yourself:
Why am I keeping these?
Do you have hundreds of birthday cards, holiday cards, etc.?
Baking and Cards
I’m not saying you have to toss every single one of them. I have a few special cards from my daughters. These sit on top of a cabinet in my office. I can look at them when I want to look at them.
The one on the right is from, and really does look just like, my daughter at a very young age. The girl is standing on a chair with a headband in her hair, licking a spoon while her mother frosts a cake. That would be us. I used to make a cake a week and never gain weight. (Wish that was still true.)
It has high sentimental value – as do the other two.
The card in the middle has pictures of my grandsons when they were younger, and the one on the left reminds me of a cafe and I liked it, but the words inside from my other daughter is why I saved it. The cards are on display. They don’t take up any space. And I can look up at them and smile once in awhile.
I can’t tell you how many of my clients saved tons of cards.
“Every one is special.” or
“One day I am going to do something with them.”
Some said they were going to use them for a collage or holiday decor. However, most of the time they just sat there. Often collecting dust on a bookshelf.
It’s simplify your life week – toss something! (or recycle)
You’ll feel a weight lift off your shoulders.
Simplify your life today!